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Postal address

Environmental Psychology
Department of Architecture and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
PO Box 118
221 00 LUND

Visiting address

Environmental Psychology
Department of Architecture and Built Environment
A Building, Klas Anshelms väg 16 

Photo of A-huset.

How to find A-huset

If you arrive by train:

  • Take city bus number 6 from Lund Central station to LTH, direction Mårtens Fälad (about ten minutes).
  • Take the Lundalänken bus number 20 or 21 from Lund Central station to the LTH, direction Brunnshög (about ten minutes).
  • Taxi: ask for the A-building, LTH, Klas Anshelms väg 16.
  • On foot: A walk from the train station to the A-house takes about 20 minutes.
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Internal post

Hämtställe 2

Maria Johansson

+46 46 222 71 69